As an active JW, and reading on this board, is truly a difficult way to live.
Answers one your qestions as you have hade for years, but answers who dont take you to the topp of the hill, radher down inn the underground.
I have never understand why we dont can speak to peopel who leave us, i talk to evry man inn sevice, why must >i bee afraid fore this peopel, now i now why, could never imagen.
And at the same time i have found some very nice peopel who been treated very bad, like Amaizing, cassaline, Jirizo, to mencen a few.
one thing i must tell, when you as I have been growing upp inn it, perhaps you dont have examine evrything so carefull, you belive what your parents told you .
And something who schoked mee was my bad nowlege about some doctrines, i have always belive tahat we told 1914 as the year for christe to take place in heaven , long before 1914, a littel surpriced when i found out it was 1942 , this thing first come out from our leaders.
I must say i dont think 10 % of JW nows that.
So this site have been a very tuff thing fore mee to handel in opposite from the most of you.